Thursday, 17 February 2011

Production of our preliminary task

While filming for our Preliminary task we came across a few problems. Originally we had planned on our storyboard to film in the school hall, we had started to film on the back of the school stage like in our original storyboard. We used Match on action of Anna walking down the hall and up the stairs and again when she was walking up a ladder, this was effective as it the shots linked in well with the story as it made it seem as though Anna was lost. We then included shot reverse shot when Anna and Alex were having a conversation.

Therefore we had to come up with a different plan of where it could be filmed, we found a staircase that was empty that we could use in order to try at stick to our storyboard as much as possible. Firstly we made sure we included match on action, 180 rule and shot reverse shot. We decided that Anna walking up the stairs would be a good shot for match on action. Our first shot is of her walking from the bottom of the stairs, then from half way up. We used a tripod when filming this to keep the camera steady. As I walk into scene, we have a short conversation which is where we use shot reverse shot to be able to see the other persons reactions.

As a group we made sure we discussed all our ideas in order for everyone to include their own ideas. Filming for the preliminary task helped the group with working with a camera and how to film to make it seem professional, also making sure we included 180 degree rule, shot reverse shot and match on action as we could use this in our own thriller.

When we watched our preliminary task back we thought some things needed editing as some parts were a bit shakey. We also wanted to cut parts out and some takes that were wrong, and to add writing and music to introduce us to editing films in order to help us with our own thriller to make it as best as we can.

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