How our Media Product represents particular social groups
Black Swan-
The character Nina Sayers played by Natalie Portman in 'Black Swan' is very simular to Anna's character in our thriller. Both characters represent a sort of schizophrinic state, presented by there being more then one of the same person, one represents the good side and one represents the bad side of the same person. Therefore, both Anna and Nina in the film are the victim as well as the villan in the two movies.
The two characters and their roles throughout the two thrillers are quite simular. Both characters are very silent when the are in their possesed state which gives a chilling and sinister feeling to the audience as it seems very unnatral. Also, both characters have emotionless expressions most of the time, this shows that something isnt quite right as it gives a impression that the characters are detached from the rest of the world and whats going on around them.

The characters costumes are quite simluar as both Anna and Nina Sayers wear all black to represent that they are the evil characters, although Annas characters arent all evil, it still contrasts with Ellies costume as she is wearing all white to represent that Ellie is an innocent character. Our media film Nyctophobia and Black Swan are both phychological thrillers that follow the story of the life a female who is mentally ill. We thought that the main character in our thriller should be female as they come across more vunrable and are usually stereotypically the victims in movies. Both characters also have different states of mind. When the characters change into a different state, it is shown in their eyes as they change colour. In the Black Swan, her eyes change to the colour red, we decided to go with a more natural colour in order to make it more suttle, we therefore had Anna's eyes change from green to blue, we thought this looked very effective.
The Orphan-
Isabelle Fuhrman who played the character Esther in The Orphan also has a few simulataties with Anna's character.
The two characters both have a sense of a blurred identity as Anna has many different identities as there are more then one of her, and Esther has a hidden identity right until the end of the film. Also, like Black Swan, Esther also has quite a blank expression a lot of the time which suggests abnormality. Both Nyctophobia and Orphan are films that create questions for the audience whilst they are watching them. This keeps that audience intrested and on edge throughout the film.